Research projects
Here you can find the current research projects.
Smart Regulation
Knowledge Risks in Industry 4.0 Supply Chains: A Legal and Technical Perspective in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Johannes Zollner from the Institute for Corporate Law and International Business Law and funded by the profile-forming area Smart Regulation
The cross-organizational exchange of data in the context of digitalization brings with it many advantages as well as new risks. The risk of unintentional disclosure of competition-critical knowledge in the context of data exchange is particularly noteworthy. The disclosed knowledge could be used by partners in the supply chain to their own advantage. However, as the knowledge advantage is a - if not the - decisive competitive advantage for many companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this risk must be considered substantial. Together with the Institute for Corporate Law and International Business Law, the protection of knowledge in cross-organizational supply chains is being investigated. The following questions are considered from both a legal and a technical perspective: What legal measures and instruments are available to minimize the risk of inappropriate use of data? To what extent can existing technical measures be applied or adapted for these data-based collaborations? And to what extent is it possible and sensible to combine legal and technical measures?
The project has a duration of 4 years and started on 01.06.2019.
Project team members:
The project "Digital skills development for young people using intelligent learning software with a focus on cybersecurity and responsible data handling", or "Digital?Sicher!", is dedicated to the effects of digitalization on the development of professional skills. In particular, the safe and responsible use of information and communication technologies in cyberspace is to be researched and missing skills are to be taught. The aim is to raise awareness of this issue and increase the general level of basic digital education, particularly with regard to cyber risks.
The BANDAS Center is involved in the project, which has been running since January 2020 and is supported by the Styrian Future Fund, as a partner!
Under the following link you will find all information about the EU-funded ERASMUS+ project VOIL - Virtual Open Innovation Lab:
To the website of the VOIL project
AMS project "AI in personnel selection"
With the aim of creating a catalog of requirements for the successful use of AI in personnel selection, the project "The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in personnel selection: Requirements for the traceability of decisions and confidence building"(in short: AI in personnel selection), an interview study with Austrian HR managers, a questionnaire study on the perception of AI and a design and experiment study with a visualization prototype were conducted. The project results were recorded in the form of a research report, which has now been published by AMS Austria (funding body). You can access the project's research report via this link.
The project team comprises members of the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology and the Center for Social Research at the University of Graz, whereby the project team members at the BANDAS Center are Prof. Stefan Thalmann, Dr. Jürgen Fleiß and Christine Malin.
Erasmus+ project CoDeAI
At the end of June 2022, the Erasmus+ project "Collaborative development of AI capabilities in SMEs"(CoDeAI) was approved, which was submitted under the leadership of the University of Graz with partners from Germany, Greece, Portugal and Spain. Prof. Stefan Thalmann and Johannes Zeiringer took up the previous VOIL project and initiated a follow-up project together with the partners.
The project aims to build on the VOIL platform by proposing further developments and offering added value for SMEs. In the course of the VOIL project, it has become apparent that students who are future employees of SMEs need knowledge about new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. AI is one of the key technologies of digital transformation that enables huge improvements in the manufacturing and service industries and is an important enabler for data-driven business models. Large companies have already built up AI capabilities and are benefiting from improved business processes and new data-driven business models. Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are lagging behind as they are not able to build the necessary AI capabilities, which has a huge impact on their innovation power and thus their future prospects. As AI-powered tools become more widespread in all areas of business, SMEs must increasingly understand these relationships, make the necessary efforts and adopt these technologies. Therefore, it is important that students are already trained as potential future employees or founders of SMEs with AI capabilities. In the project, an initial case study research will be conducted to look for "European" patterns for the successful adoption of innovative technologies. The results of the case studies will be relevant for both SMEs and students.
The proposed project will be conducted transnationally with higher education partners, students and SMEs across Europe to facilitate collaboration between higher education institutions that have AI skills and SMEs that need to build AI capabilities. Therefore, we want to address the identified challenges as follows: (1) The existing VOIL platform will be extended with a training package for AI in SMEs that will provide the basic AI skills. (2) Based on a study on the use of AI in SMEs using current productivity tools designed to increase human productivity, such as AutoML, use cases and success stories will be presented, (3) based on these use cases and success stories, a benchlearning framework will be developed that takes AI skills into account, and (4) an innovation environment will be created that supports collaboration between universities, SMEs and LEs, taking into account (in addition to VOIL technologies) the specific needs of AI.
The starting date for the two-year project was October 01, 2022.
VEKIP-Responsible use of AI in personnel management
Artificial intelligence (AI) is now widely used in HR management. The areas of application range from job interviews with the help of chatbots to the suggestion of further training courses and the automated (pre)selection of applicants. There is great uncertainty among employees and HR practitioners due to the lack of transparency about the underlying models and the data basis used for decisions that are often important for employees and have far-reaching consequences (recruitment, promotion, discipline, etc.).
The planned project aims to create an information video and develop a seminar concept for the further training of works councils to enable them to competently represent the concerns of employees in these matters, so that works councils are informed about possible uses as well as existing and ongoing regulatory options for AI applications.
In close consultation with employees from affected companies and the Styrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB Steiermark), the project team is made up of researchers from the Business Analytics and Data Science Center, Karl-Franzens University Graz and the Human Resource Management Group, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, who will determine the information needs of the works councils in order to design a tailor-made offer. The project team at the BANDAS Center includes Prof. Stefan Thalmann, Dr. Jürgen Fleiß and Christine Malin.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Thalmann
Leitung +43 316 380 - 7600
Institut für Operations und Information Systems
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